Here some character poses I did for a project which I was told to "make it cuter!" so here was my answer to that. Something so saccharin sweet you get gingivitis just looking at her. Now go find me a scratching post and some yarn, this kitty is ready to play. Peace.
Not sure what the fascination is about igniting small picnic-loving insects with a magnifying glass, but I would guess a high percentage of young boys have attempted this very action. Enjoy!
Don't give me those puppy dog eyes. Where's that genetically engineered mega- peanut I set aside to make the best PB&J sandwich of all time? Ooo, the old nothing up my sleeve routine, huh? You crafty lil' pachyderm....I'll be watchin' you. C-YA.
That's right King of the Jungle. Best y'all bow down and recognize. So what if I sleep for 20 hrs. a day and command the ladies to make me a zebra sandwich followed by a wildebeest smoothie for every meal. I mean the mere roar of my voice will make you poo in your pants...for reals. This is another quick sketch I did on my iphone, and I was focusing in on just throwing down color. Can you dig it?
Man, it has been awhile since I did some figure drawin'. I'm going to have to remedy that for 2011. Here's some quick studies with that ever troublesome and always non-forgiving pen. Gots to get that practice in. Shazam!