Once a staple of any traveling circus, the Strongman represented the epitome of male perfection with his super human strength, well groomed moustache, skin tight leotard, and a hairy exterior that would make Robin Williams jealous. Now go find something to lift!
I have a friend who does roller derby and it's actually a lot of fun once you understand how the scoring works. Going in, I thought that it was going to be the type of roller derby I saw on tv when I was young where it was basically WWF theatricality on skates. Clotheslines and bad makeup were a must with a side of hair pulling for good measure. So I was pleasantly surprised when witnessing the real deal Holyfield. The name that each skater adopts is what makes roller derby awesome though. Like Smashley Simpson, Happy Killmore, AC Slayer, AFROdite, Admiral Snackbar..etc. I'm out!
Here's another VS. sketch. This one has the ever-positive thirst quencher, Kool-Aid Man battling it out with the "Macho Man" Randy Savage of WWF fame. Both bring their patented "Oh, Yeah's" to the party but do you side with the oversized pitcher of red mystery punch guaranteed to leave you with that oh so attractive ring around the mouth or do you cheer for a grown man in pink speedos who always delivers his lines with a raspy, I've smoked my first cigarette out of the womb, voice? The world may never know. Happy Trails!